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Untuk mendapatkan kontrakan Jakarta Selatan sesuai keinginan, gunakan fitur pencarian dan filter yang tersedia. Anda dapat memilih fasilitas dan harga kontrakan yang diinginkan dengan mudah.
Menampilkan 14941-14960 dari total 15.022 properti
Rumah Bagus Dan Nyaman Dilokasi Strategis. Keamanan 24 Jam. Dekat Ke Pondok Indah, Dekat Dengan Mall,...
Rent price Rp 300 Mill/year Land 656m2 Building 350m2 Swimming pool 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms 2 maid...
[english version] This exceptional architecturally designed Comfy home is nestled in the Ampera-Kemang-Cilandak...
[english version] This exceptional architecturally designed Comfy home is nestled in the Ampera-Kemang-Cilandak...
[english version] This exceptional architecturally designed tropical home is nestled in the Kemang...
lokasi stategis Bebas bajir Jalan besar dekat dengan tol Mt Haryono dekat dengan perbankan dekat...
Disewa rumah cantik,cocok untuk expatriat, lokasi tenang, aman, nyaman, dekat sekolahan Prancis,...
- New Brand...
[versi bahasa] Properti ini terletak di segitiga emas Menteng, Kuningan dan Sudirman. Alternatif...
[versi bahasa] Hunian bercat putih dan berornamen Kayu untuk Furnitur nya ini memiliki Lokasi yang...
Disewakan rumah Lt. 565 Lb 600 KT 4+2 KM 2+2 Pool...
Rent price Rp 550 mill/year long drive way for extra parking space - Close to International School...
Excellent House with HUGE Back and Front Yard in Simprug .......Located in a very quiet safe neighborhood,...
Excellent House with HUGE Back and Front Yard in Pakubuwono .......Located in a very quiet safe neighborhood,...
Excellent House with HUGE Back and Front Yard in Cipete ...Located in a very quiet safe neighborhood,...
Excellent House with HUGE Back and Front Yard in Cipete .Located in a very quiet safe neighborhood,...
Excellent House with HUGE Back and Front Yard in Cipete .Located in a very quiet safe neighborhood,...
Rumah nyaman dan teduh di Ampera Raya dgn kolam renang dan taman. Dekat dgn TB Simatupang dan tol,...
Rumah asri dan teduh dgn kolam renang dan dan taman yg luas di Jl Ampera Raya. Cocok utk expat dan...
Minimum 2 years in advance payment....
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