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Brand New Apartment For Lease South Quarther Residence Tower D 17’Th Floor Furnished (All Brand New...
Interior mewah, lantai marmer besar (lebih dingin, hemat AC). Fasilitas lengkap tinggal bawa koper....
Rumah Minimalis Cantik dalam Town House di Cilandak...
FOR RENT CILANDAK JAKARTA SELATAN Spesifikasi Unit • Luas Tanah : 1.442 m2 • Luas Bangunan : 600...
Rumah disewakan tanpa Perantara (by owner langsung), sangat cocok untuk rumah tinggal keluarga yang...
Property Feature: * 71sqm * 2 unit AC * 13.000 watt * Outdoor Area * Swimming Pool...
Apartemen di Lantai 12 di Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan. Disewakan di wilayah yang tenang. Dengan rinciannya...
CLD599/ CILANDAK Land : 920 sqm Building : 400 sqm 1 Storey 4 bedroom 3 bathroom 1 Carport Parking...
For rent Compound in Cilandak Jakarta selatan Close to MRT Cipete & JIS Bright n cozy 5 bedrooms...
For Rent / Disewa, this house is ready by the End of August. A Luxury American Style house in the...
For Rent: Beautiful and Luxurious Resort-like House in a Spacious Compound This stunning house features...
Rumah 2 lantai di Cilandak, Jakarta Selatan. For rent rumah di wilayah yang tenang dalam Townhouse....
Apartemen Branz Simatupang 1BR Luas 55m North Tower Lantai 5 1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom...
Available for rent Near to: French school Hospital Antasari TB Simatupang Cilandak Townsquare 4 Badrooms...
Town house Cilandak! Detail : Land size : 290 Build size : 300 4 bedrooms 2 maidroom Garasi Carport...
Town house at Cilandak! Detail : Land size : 290 Build size : 300 4 bedrooms 2 maidroom Garasi Carport...
For Rent Suitable for Expat Land 300 sqm Building 300 sqm 3 Bedroom 2 Bathroom Rental Fee: $2750...
Disewakan Rumah Siap Huni Harga Murah Jarang Ada Area Jeruk Purut Hadap Timur Listrik 16500VA LT...
Lokasi strategis, terletak di tepi jalan pintas antara perumahan Pondok Indah dan jln. RS . Fatmawati,...
Harga termasuk service charge. Ada fasilitas olahraga, Library dengan free wi-fi dan charging, area...
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