Di Jual Rumah Lux Di Bukit Golf Terrace - Bsd City
Di Jual Rumah Lux Di Bukit Golf Terrace - Bsd CityDi Jual Rumah Lux Di Bukit Golf Terrace - Bsd CityDi Jual Rumah Lux Di Bukit Golf Terrace - Bsd City

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Di Jual Rumah Lux Di Bukit Golf Terrace - Bsd City

Rp 23,5 Miliar

BSD Bukit Golf, Tangerang

Rp 23,5 Miliar

Cicilan : 99,6 Jutaan per bulan

Di Jual Rumah Lux Di Bukit Golf Terrace - Bsd City

BSD Bukit Golf, Tangerang

Diperbarui 12 Desember 2024 oleh Harry Syahrizal

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego
  • Cash Keras
  • One Gate System
  • Perumahan/Komplek

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

801 m²

Luas Bangunan

1046 m²



Tipe Properti



Lainnya (PPJB,Girik,Adat,dll)

Daya Listrik

7700 Watt


Di jual Rumah Lux konsep Modern, di Bukit Golf Terrace - BSD City, Tangsel 15322. Status : PPJB Luas tanah : 801 mtr Luas bangunan : 1046 mtr 3 lt Hadap : Timur Listrik : 7700 watt Air : - PAM - Sumur Bor Ket lantai: Tingkat 3 : - Lantai Solud Teak Wood - Tempered Glass Fence With Stenless 2 : - Premium Granite Tile by China Ruang keluarga: Trevertine Nource Turkey - Bathroom: Floor and Wall by China Main Doors & Bedroom: Merbabu & Kamper Solid Wood - Service Area : - Laudry Area - 2 Betrooms - 1 Bathroom - 1 Storage room - 6 AC - Garasi 3 mbl, Carpot 3 mbl - Swimming Pool : 3 x 12 mtr - Kolam Ikan Koi : 6 x 6 mtr - Lantai 3 & Roop Top : Multi Purpose Room, barbeque room. - Semi Furnished Family Room: - TV Wall made of Italian, mable hanging cabibet Bonus : - 2 set Sofa Cellini complet with Coffee & side table. Pantry : Solid Take Wood, Islan Marmer, finishing Lacover. Bonus : (Built in Microwave oven & stove from Modena, sink Blanco Dinning table Italian Marble 280x 150 cm. Console table Marmer Italia 135 x 45 cm. Kitchen : Bonus : Standing Stove Modena Harga : 23.5 M/nego Arsitek : Denny Gondojatmiko - Studio Air Putih. Hub: HARRY - STARPRO REALTY ☎️ 0811854xxx


Fasilitas Rumah

Jalur Telepon

Kolam Ikan

Kolam Renang


Tempat Jemuran

Fasilitas Perumahan

Akses Parkir


Keamanan 24 jam

Kolam Renang

One Gate System





Kitchen Set

Pemanas Air


Fasilitas Olahraga

Jogging Track

Lapangan Tenis

Tempat Gym

Lokasi Properti

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