Rp 8 Miliar /m²
Cikokol, Tangerang
Cicilan : 755,7 Miliaran per bulan
Pabrik Dan Gudang
Cikokol, Tangerang
Diperbarui 11 Desember 2024 oleh Sunny
Overview Properti
Informasi Properti
Luas Tanah
22285 m²
Luas Bangunan
12621 m²
Kondisi Properti
Tipe Properti
Tipe Iklan
ID Iklan
DIJUAL/DISEWA !! PABRIK & GUDANG LOKASI STRATEGIS Cikokol - Tangerang LT : 22.285 M² LB : 12.261 M² SHGB Lokasi Sangat Strategis Direct Owner (SY) Allotment : Office Space , Supermarket , School , Clinic & Mix Use Surrounding Business : Primaya Hospital Tangerang , Transmart Carrefour Tangerang Center , Hotel Olive , PT. Indofood Fortuna Makmur Advantages & Potential : - Strategically Located , surrounded by various industrial zones nearby to the CBD in central & south jakarta - Fast access to 2 Tol gates leading to Jakarta , Bogor , Merak , etc - Highly secure with one road access in & out of the property - Plenty of space for storage or parking of fleets of heavy/light vehicles - Main road access provides quick drive to the other industrial zones in Tangerang Harga Jual : Rp. 178.280.xxx.000,- (8 Juta/M²) Harga Sewa : 4 Miliar/Tahun Sunny RE/MAX HARVEST 0812 8222 6xxx
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