Sanda, Tabanan, Freehold land 1.92 Hectare ( 19200 Sqm ) A Spectacular Multifunctional Property Bali
Sanda, Tabanan, Freehold land 1.92 Hectare ( 19200 Sqm ) A Spectacular Multifunctional Property BaliSanda, Tabanan, Freehold land 1.92 Hectare ( 19200 Sqm ) A Spectacular Multifunctional Property BaliSanda, Tabanan, Freehold land 1.92 Hectare ( 19200 Sqm ) A Spectacular Multifunctional Property Bali

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Sanda, Tabanan, Freehold land 1.92 Hectare ( 19200 Sqm ) A Spectacular Multifunctional Property Bali

Rp 9,6 Miliar Total

Tabanan, Tabanan

Rp 9,6 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 40,6 Jutaan per bulan

Sanda, Tabanan, Freehold land 1.92 Hectare ( 19200 Sqm ) A Spectacular Multifunctional Property Bali

Tabanan, Tabanan

Diperbarui 20 Januari 2025 oleh Widyati Indaryana

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

19200 m²



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


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Sanda, Tabanan 1.92 Hectare 2 Certificate Plots- The Hidden Paradise! Better your "standard of living" in the true Bali as it was, full of your own edible/sellable produce !! Little traffic here along one of most Scenic Routes in Bali from Bajara toward Pupuan!! A Spectacular Multifunctional Property perfectly well hidden end of the country road, with all the riches needed to survive, constant spring-water and essential foods, veggies, fruits, coconuts, arabica coffee and spices grown and exist year around and, or seasonally!! Practically a living garden with spectacular natural views! Certificate 1, the bottom spectacular view and boundary 64 Arch (6,400 sqmts.) amazing large curving self owned Balinese rice terraces (paddies), surrounded by edible produce, as grapefruit 'jeruk' plantation, coffee bean, spices as vanilla, tropical fruits, coconut trees, bamboo, and the view of pure Nature all around! The Certificate 2, 1,28 Hectare (12,800 sq.mts.) , sloping hill side facing, connected, and overlooking the beautiful rice Terraces, which produce about 3 tons of tasty rice watered by the Batu Karu mineral rich stream passing through this property!!. Mountain spring water flows on both outer sides of property, a direct drinkable water source for locals. This plot also full of editable or consumable vegetation/produce. The country road leads to and becomes private property at the final approx. 100 meters and a 3 car parking area at the bottom of this plot, and overlooking the second plot! The Top 1,28 Arah certificate, recently approved Eco lodging or such Development over 85% according to Government zoning outlines! The 2 Certificates sold as one Property! Perfect for special Futuristic people who love privacy, space, gardening, Nature, and being 'Self-sufficient'! A Hidden Paradise on the planet and true Bali!! Now reduced/asking, 50 Mil. Rupiah per Are!

Lokasi Properti

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She Collection Tabanan

Mataram Mall Tabanan

Pasar Senggol Tabanan

Pasar Besar Tabanan


Poltrada Bali

SMAN 1 Tabanan

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