Freehold Land For Sale In Kedungu, Nearby The Beach
Freehold Land For Sale In Kedungu, Nearby The Beach Freehold Land For Sale In Kedungu, Nearby The Beach Freehold Land For Sale In Kedungu, Nearby The Beach

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Freehold Land For Sale In Kedungu, Nearby The Beach

Rp 7,25 Juta /m²

Tanah Lot, Tabanan

Rp 7,25 Juta /m²

Cicilan : 9,2 Jutaan per bulan

Freehold Land For Sale In Kedungu, Nearby The Beach

Tanah Lot, Tabanan

Diperbarui 31 Agustus 2024 oleh Riandika Sentosa

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

300 m²

Tipe Properti



SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik

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Freehold Land for sale in Kedungu, nearby the beach Located just 300 meters from Kedungu beach, 5 minutes to Ciputra project, 5 minutes to Tanah Lot and 15 minutes to Canggu you find these excellent land plots available for sale within a secure residential complex with superb access road of 6 meter width which is unheard of in Tabanan and most of the Bali villages. This land is suitable to build villas for residential usage or commercial use as the zoning is Parawisata which allows for Pondok Wisata, Villa License and Guest House. Kedungu has seen a lot of attraction lately with the updated rezoning of the Tabanan area and the land plot are selling out fast due to the pricing still affordable and nearby the beach. Grab one of these plots now as the prices keep increasing Land plots available: ((Request brochure for complete details)) Starting price 725million / are Land size starting from 500m2

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