Rote Island Wonderful Beachfront Land Opportunity
Rote Island Wonderful Beachfront Land OpportunityRote Island Wonderful Beachfront Land OpportunityRote Island Wonderful Beachfront Land Opportunity

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Rote Island Wonderful Beachfront Land Opportunity

Rp 2,5 Miliar /m²

Rote Barat Daya, Rote Ndao

Rp 2,5 Miliar /m²

Cicilan : 92,2 Miliaran per bulan

Rote Island Wonderful Beachfront Land Opportunity

Rote Barat Daya, Rote Ndao

Diperbarui 19 Desember 2024 oleh Fullers Properties

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

8702 m²

Panjang Tanah

0 m

Lebar Tanah

0 m



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Set in the tranquil paradise of Rote, NTT, this 8,702 m² beachfront property offers a rare opportunity to own a piece of tropical bliss. Priced at USD 157,600 (IDR 2,500,000,000), it includes a Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM) certificate, guaranteeing secure ownership. With PLN electricity accessible from the main road and the potential for drilled water, this property is primed for your dream development. Take in panoramic ocean views and explore the land’s potential through an immersive virtual tour. Boasting direct access to a pristine beach, this property is perfect for creating a luxury villa, a boutique resort, or a private sanctuary. Surrounded by natural beauty and offering stunning vistas, it’s an ideal investment for those seeking peace and exclusivity. With essential utilities already in place, this land provides a convenient and customizable gateway to your own slice of paradise. Virtual Tour:

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