3000sqm Pristine Flat Land Gili Meno Gp0109
3000sqm Pristine Flat Land Gili Meno Gp01093000sqm Pristine Flat Land Gili Meno Gp01093000sqm Pristine Flat Land Gili Meno Gp0109

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3000sqm Pristine Flat Land Gili Meno Gp0109

Rp 700 Ribu /m²

Gili Meno, Lombok Utara

Rp 700 Ribu /m²

Cicilan : 8,9 Jutaan per bulan

3000sqm Pristine Flat Land Gili Meno Gp0109

Gili Meno, Lombok Utara

Diperbarui 17 November 2024 oleh Gili Properties

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

3000 m²



Tipe Properti


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Gili Meno is a great place to live or alternatively start up your own business become part of the friendly business community on the Island. Gili Meno is only two hours by fast boat from Bali & two hours from Lombok International Airport. Measuring 3000square meters of the best land, perfect flat, few coconut trees, with main road accesses, and electric pole nearby. Only 6 minutes walking through the Harbour and the best beach, this is the well-shape plot located in a prime position on the island. This plot is located in the central area of Gili Meno which is a lot currently happening on Gili Meno with a number of luxury resort moving into the area, this land make for a fantastic investment opportunity and an idyllic site for luxury villas or commercial ventures The land has a SHM (HAK MILIK) certificate (Freehold) and can be changed to HGB (Right to build) for foreign investors looking to hold this property under their PMA (foreign owned Indonesian registered business).

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