For Sale Complex Bungalows Gp0157
For Sale Complex Bungalows Gp0157For Sale Complex Bungalows Gp0157For Sale Complex Bungalows Gp0157

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For Sale Complex Bungalows Gp0157

Rp 1,08 Miliar

Gili Meno, Lombok Utara

Rp 1,08 Miliar

Cicilan : 4,5 Jutaan per bulan

For Sale Complex Bungalows Gp0157

Gili Meno, Lombok Utara

Diperbarui 15 November 2024 oleh Gili Properties

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego
  • Cash Bertahap

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

309 m²

Luas Bangunan

42 m²



Daya Listrik

3300 Watt

Jumlah Lantai



Discover this renowned beachfront complex of villas and bungalows located on Gili Meno. We are pleased to present fully equipped 21 sqm bungalows for sale, located within this prestigious establishment. Each bungalow offers the perfect blend of comfort and style, featuring air conditioning, a private en-suite bathroom with hot water, and a delightful 6 sqm private terrace. As an added advantage, residents of these bungalows enjoy exclusive access to the on-site restaurant and a huge swimming pool, allowing for a convenient and delightful dining experience just steps away from your doorstep. The complex is expertly managed by a professional team, ensuring that all maintenance and operational aspects are taken care of, leaving you with a worry-free investment opportunity. Selling price per unit: 1,080,000,000 IDR (approximately 65,000 USD).

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