For Sale 2 Bedrooms Villa Gp0145
For Sale 2 Bedrooms Villa Gp0145For Sale 2 Bedrooms Villa Gp0145For Sale 2 Bedrooms Villa Gp0145

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For Sale 2 Bedrooms Villa Gp0145

Rp 2,23 Miliar

Gili Trawangan, Lombok Utara

Rp 2,23 Miliar

Cicilan : 9,4 Jutaan per bulan

For Sale 2 Bedrooms Villa Gp0145

Gili Trawangan, Lombok Utara

Diperbarui 09 Desember 2024 oleh Gili Properties

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

200 m²

Luas Bangunan

150 m²



Daya Listrik


Jumlah Lantai



This property is a complex of six beautiful villas with one- and two-bedroom options, aiming to be eco-friendly. The villas are built using recycled teak wood, polished concrete tiles, and modern furnishings. Creating a contrast between hard stone, glazed ceramics, and teak wood accents, giving each villa a modern yet environmental feel. Situated on the north-western part of Gili Trawangan, twenty minutes from the harbor. Nestled among palm trees this complex is conveniently located just a short stroll from the beach. This property has a HAK MILIK certificate.

Lokasi Properti

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Simulasi Cicilan KPR

Harga PropertiRp 2 Milyar
Uang Muka
Persentase uang muka 20% adalah jumlah minimum yang disarankan.
Rp 9.466.185 per bulan
Hasil perhitungan di atas merupakan estimasi dan dapat berbeda dengan perhitungan bank.
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