Take The Keys For This Freehold Beachfront Resort, 27 Rooms, Bar And Restaurant Gili Trawangan 2165d
Take The Keys For This Freehold Beachfront Resort, 27 Rooms, Bar And Restaurant Gili Trawangan 2165dTake The Keys For This Freehold Beachfront Resort, 27 Rooms, Bar And Restaurant Gili Trawangan 2165dTake The Keys For This Freehold Beachfront Resort, 27 Rooms, Bar And Restaurant Gili Trawangan 2165d

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Take The Keys For This Freehold Beachfront Resort, 27 Rooms, Bar And Restaurant Gili Trawangan 2165d

Rp 56,4 Miliar

Gili Trawangan, Lombok Utara

Rp 56,4 Miliar

Cicilan : 216,9 Jutaan per bulan

Take The Keys For This Freehold Beachfront Resort, 27 Rooms, Bar And Restaurant Gili Trawangan 2165d

Gili Trawangan, Lombok Utara

Diperbarui 26 Juni 2024 oleh KOMANG AYU AGUSTINI

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

2100 m²

Luas Bangunan

1 m²

Tipe Properti



SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik


Price : USD 3,800,000 Add this business to your portfolio or let this be your first, only built and completed just 6 years ago and situated right on the beach of the 3 Gili islands, Gili Trawangan is the most popular and largest and is well none for both diving and snorkeling but it is also clearly the most suitable and best known for partying and being the busiest of the 3. It is spread out on 2,100m2 of beachfront paradise in whats becoming one of Indonesia’s hottest new locations. It comes with 27 spacious hotel rooms in 3 different categories in the theme of the hotel. Already a busy operation, it of course includes a large shared 25 mt pool, a bar as well as a restaurant and spa, and comes with a backup generator to cover power outs, all licenses as well as historical sales data to anaylise and predict your ROI with. . Freehold Beachfront Land a total of 2,100m2 or 210 are . Successful business with historical data and multiple streams of income

Lokasi Properti

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Simulasi Cicilan KPR

Harga PropertiRp 56 Milyar
Uang Muka
Persentase uang muka 20% adalah jumlah minimum yang disarankan.
Rp 216.971.347 per bulan
Hasil perhitungan di atas merupakan estimasi dan dapat berbeda dengan perhitungan bank.
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