Hubungi Agen
Jerowaru, Lombok Timur
Cicilan : 0an per bulan
Jerowaru, Lombok Timur
Diperbarui 22 Desember 2024 oleh Wahidah Sanusi
Informasi Properti
Luas Tanah
39800 m²
Panjang Tanah
0 m
Lebar Tanah
0 m
Tipe Properti
Tipe Iklan
ID Iklan
FREEHOLD - Unique opportunity for investment of a private bay in the area of Ekas Bay, Tanjung Luar - Lombok Island Offered for Sale: IDR 40.000.000 / are This 398 are land (3.98 hectares) including access full Bay bordered by 2 hills right and left side with 120m beachfront and white sandy beach facing to Mount Rinjani directly. All certificated - due diligence Shape = Arrival from the top, shape in circus sloping to the beach There are 2 ways to access to the land from Airport in Praya: 1) By the road through Ekas Bay. There is a partly asphalt road till the land built 2 years ago. Its about 31km to the location. 2) By the road to Tanjung Luar (where is located the terminal speed boat to Sumbawa), its 25km by an easy road and afterwards by boat 8 minutes direct to the land.
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