villa murah lombok / villa 3 bedroom modern standard villa
villa murah lombok / villa 3 bedroom modern standard villavilla murah lombok / villa 3 bedroom modern standard villavilla murah lombok / villa 3 bedroom modern standard villa

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villa murah lombok / villa 3 bedroom modern standard villa

Rp 3,13 Miliar

Praya Barat, Lombok Tengah

Rp 3,13 Miliar

Cicilan : 13,2 Jutaan per bulan

villa murah lombok / villa 3 bedroom modern standard villa

Praya Barat, Lombok Tengah

Diperbarui 06 November 2024 oleh Ita Tiara

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

400 m²

Luas Bangunan

180 m²



Daya Listrik

4400 Watt



Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



3 Bedroom modern Villa Land area 400 m2 Building area 180 m2 For those who love the modern styIe this villa turns the entire land area into total living space by combining the outdoor and indoor areas via sliding glass doors. The outdoor areas have a louvered roof that can open to let the sunshine in and close to keep the rain out Swimming pool and furniture package options provide for a fully equipped couples romantic getaway Resort facilities include restaurant/supermarket, Health Club with gym, spa and salon. childrens play area and pool Management and marketing for rental return with up to 10% per annum return The price applicable until 31 December 2020

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