House With Big Garden And Nice View In Batulayar Senggigi
House With Big Garden And Nice View In Batulayar SenggigiHouse With Big Garden And Nice View In Batulayar SenggigiHouse With Big Garden And Nice View In Batulayar Senggigi

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House With Big Garden And Nice View In Batulayar Senggigi

Rp 1,7 Miliar

Senggigi, Lombok Barat

Rp 1,7 Miliar

Cicilan : 7,2 Jutaan per bulan

House With Big Garden And Nice View In Batulayar Senggigi

Senggigi, Lombok Barat

Diperbarui 20 November 2024 oleh Property In Lombok

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego
  • Perumahan/Komplek

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

550 m²

Luas Bangunan

200 m²

Tipe Properti



SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik

Daya Listrik

1300 Watt


This house is located on the boulevard of a housing complex, making this house not only comfortable to use as a residence, but also suitable to be used as a business place such as a restaurant, cafe, minimarket, homestay or also a villa. The land is large enough, so possible to develop a new building, swimming pool or whatever you need. Please contact us or visit our website for further information. "We are looking for agents! If you think you have what it takes and would like to join our team, please get in touch!"


Fasilitas Rumah

Kolam Ikan


Tempat Jemuran

Lokasi Properti

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