Nature style One bedroom Villa With Private Pool, Garden, And Fish Pond In Gili Trawangan 2309 a
Nature style One bedroom Villa With Private Pool, Garden, And Fish Pond In Gili Trawangan 2309 aNature style One bedroom Villa With Private Pool, Garden, And Fish Pond In Gili Trawangan 2309 aNature style One bedroom Villa With Private Pool, Garden, And Fish Pond In Gili Trawangan 2309 a

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Nature style One bedroom Villa With Private Pool, Garden, And Fish Pond In Gili Trawangan 2309 a

Rp 4,43 Miliar

Gili Asahan, Lombok Barat

Rp 4,43 Miliar

Cicilan : 18,8 Jutaan per bulan

Nature style One bedroom Villa With Private Pool, Garden, And Fish Pond In Gili Trawangan 2309 a

Gili Asahan, Lombok Barat

Diperbarui 10 Desember 2024 oleh KOMANG AYU AGUSTINI

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

402 m²

Luas Bangunan

200 m²



Daya Listrik




Jumlah Lantai



This fully furnished one-bedroom villa is a nature lover’s paradise situated in Gili Trawangan and available for freehold ownership. The villa includes a private pool, garden, and fish pond, adding to its serene and natural charm. Furthermore, it sits on a spacious land area of 402 square meters. . The living room boasts a spacious and comfortable nature-inspired design with wooden furniture that adds a warm and inviting touch . A generously sized bedroom with a traditional wooden design and a private ensuite bathroom . The ensuite bathroom boasts a comfortable bathtub, sink, and shower, all with a touch of nature through the rich wooden elements . The fully equipped kitchen and dining room offer a stunning garden view and feature traditional wooden elements . The private pool boasts a picturesque lagoon design, surrounded by stunning natural stone and lush garden views

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