Beautiful Beachfront Villa With Spacious Land In Karangasem Vl2053
Beautiful Beachfront Villa With Spacious Land In Karangasem Vl2053Beautiful Beachfront Villa With Spacious Land In Karangasem Vl2053Beautiful Beachfront Villa With Spacious Land In Karangasem Vl2053

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Beautiful Beachfront Villa With Spacious Land In Karangasem Vl2053

Rp 10 Miliar

Seraya, Karangasem

Rp 10 Miliar

Cicilan : 41,1 Jutaan per bulan

Beautiful Beachfront Villa With Spacious Land In Karangasem Vl2053

Seraya, Karangasem

Diperbarui 14 Oktober 2024 oleh Maria Kibarer

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

3000 m²

Luas Bangunan

700 m²



Daya Listrik


Kondisi Properti



This beautiful freehold beachfront real estate with spacious land is located in a quiet area of Karangasem. This stunning villa features 11 spacious, cozy and comfortable en-suite bedrooms with artistic bathrooms. It is fully furnished and decorated in a exquisite taste which provides chic luxury and comfort at your disposal. This property generously offers 2 levels , AC units , spacious living area , spacious dining area , modern kitchen , swimming pool , 2 gazebos , storage , water source , electricity 16.000 W , internet , phone line and a good size parking area in the house. This is indeed one of the best investment opportunity available for sale in a beautiful area of Bali. Ideal to buy as an investment that can be turned into a holiday rental home. Few minutes away from the beach and hardly a 30 minutes drive to Padang bai harbour.

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