Lands In West Bali, Purposes Such As Villas, Resorts, Etc
Lands In West Bali, Purposes Such As Villas, Resorts, EtcLands In West Bali, Purposes Such As Villas, Resorts, EtcLands In West Bali, Purposes Such As Villas, Resorts, Etc

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Lands In West Bali, Purposes Such As Villas, Resorts, Etc

Rp 500 Ribu /m²

Perancak, Jembrana

Rp 500 Ribu /m²

Cicilan : 137,7 Jutaan per bulan

Lands In West Bali, Purposes Such As Villas, Resorts, Etc

Perancak, Jembrana

Diperbarui 04 Oktober 2024 oleh Vivi Hamdan

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

65000 m²



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



For Sale Lands in West Bali!! We offer two pieces of land in Perancak village, Negara sub-district and Jembrana regency of 50,000 m² (5 ha) and 15,000 m² (1,5 ha). It is suitable for such as Villas, resorts, eco-tourism, etc. And there is mangrove forest and is suitable for eco and outbond - tourism. Attraction in Perancak Village : - The turtle preservation Kurma Asih - The beach with decorated fishing boats - Motor cross and road race - The bull race - The rowing boat races - Marine Technology Research Centre - Earth station of NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration) - Diverse kind of mangrove forest Land has a certificate of ownership (freehold) and it's very rare to find with such a large area and is a golden opportunity to get it at a very competitive price.

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