Dijual Office District 8 Scbd Size 141 Sqm Already Fit Out Certificate Termurah 62 Juta Sqm Cepat Terjual Contact 087778899910
Dijual Office District 8 Scbd Size 141 Sqm Already Fit Out Certificate Termurah 62 Juta Sqm Cepat Terjual Contact 087778899910Dijual Office District 8 Scbd Size 141 Sqm Already Fit Out Certificate Termurah 62 Juta Sqm Cepat Terjual Contact 087778899910Dijual Office District 8 Scbd Size 141 Sqm Already Fit Out Certificate Termurah 62 Juta Sqm Cepat Terjual Contact 087778899910

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Dijual Office District 8 Scbd Size 141 Sqm Already Fit Out Certificate Termurah 62 Juta Sqm Cepat Terjual Contact 087778899910

Rp 8,74 Miliar Total

SCBD, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 8,74 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 37 Jutaan per bulan

Dijual Office District 8 Scbd Size 141 Sqm Already Fit Out Certificate Termurah 62 Juta Sqm Cepat Terjual Contact 087778899xxx

Office District 8

SCBD, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 20 November 2024 oleh Charles Lim

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

141 m²

Luas Bangunan

141 m²



Daya Listrik


Jumlah Lantai


Panjang Tanah

12 m

Lebar Tanah

12 m

Tahun Dibangun


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Office Building Name: Office District 8 Location: District 8 Complex, Lot 28 SCBD, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan Size: 141 Sqm Condition: ALREADY PARTITION ALREADY CERTIFICATE CEPAT TERJUAL LIMITED UNIT OKUPANSI 95% TERISI I sell & rent Office in Treasury & Prosperity Tower. All size unit (128 m2 / 133 m2 / 141 m2 / 143 m2 / 270 m2 / 318 m2 / 485 m2/ 1045 m2 / 1958 m2 / 2722 m2) If you have any property to Sell, Please Don’t Hesitate to Contact Me! Selling Price: Rp 62 JUTA / SQM x 141 Sqm = Rp 8.742.000.xxx,- NETT TERMURAH CEPAT TERJUAL ALREADY CERTIFICATE & PARTITION Contact: Charles Susanto Lim Call / Whatsapp: 081377765xxx – 087778899xxx E-mail: prestigescbd@gmail.com www.PrestigeSCBDProperty.co.id PRESTIGE SCBD PROPERTY Office: Gedung Menara Tendean, Lantai 12 Unit 6 Jl Kapten Tendean No: 20C, Jakarta Selatan MILLION DOLAR LISTING JAKARTA & BALI – SELL IT LIKE CHARLES

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