Mega Kuningan Gedung 24 Lantai Direct To Owner Best Price
Mega Kuningan Gedung 24 Lantai Direct To Owner Best Price Mega Kuningan Gedung 24 Lantai Direct To Owner Best Price Mega Kuningan Gedung 24 Lantai Direct To Owner Best Price

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Mega Kuningan Gedung 24 Lantai Direct To Owner Best Price

Rp 650 Miliar Total

Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 650 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 2,7 Miliaran per bulan

Mega Kuningan Gedung 24 Lantai Direct To Owner Best Price

Menara Anugrah

Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 07 Oktober 2024 oleh Rito Serena Property Oris Property

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

11907 m²

Luas Bangunan

15309 m²



Jumlah Lantai




Kondisi Properti


Kondisi Perabotan


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



MEGA KUNINGAN COMMERCIAL BUILDING 24 FLOOR DIRECT TO OWNER Luas Tanah 11907 m² Luas Bangunan 15309 m² Bangunan 24 Lantai + 1 basement Floor Plate 24 X 30m² Rented Area 16599 (Semi Gross) Gedung parkir: Ground floor + 1 basement Car park capacity : * Ground floor 144 lots * Basement 282 lots * Reserved for towers 71 lots SHGB s/d tahun 2042 di atas SHM a/n PT Electricity Power 1700KVA + 1500KVA (back up genset) Elevator 4 passenger lift + 1 service lift Emergency staircase 2 Gondola : 1 unit permanen Fire prevention : Sprinkler Hydrant, Extinguisher at public area, Fire Alarm Clean Water : PAM + Deep Well Telephone, Fax, Telex Lines 50 line Communication Fascilities Cabelvision AC: Split Duct Type 4 zone per floor Fire Alarm Fire Fighting Electricity: PLN and Genset for backup Telecommunication (Fiber Optic) Telkom and Indosat CCTV System Internet Connections Check Point Vehicle Gardening Food Place Occupancy 58% Harga Rp 650 M (open for negotiation)

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