Tanah di Jl. Kebagusan I, Bisa Dibgn Cluster , Apartemen Dan Mall
Tanah di Jl. Kebagusan I, Bisa Dibgn Cluster , Apartemen Dan MallTanah di Jl. Kebagusan I, Bisa Dibgn Cluster , Apartemen Dan MallTanah di Jl. Kebagusan I, Bisa Dibgn Cluster , Apartemen Dan Mall

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Tanah di Jl. Kebagusan I, Bisa Dibgn Cluster , Apartemen Dan Mall

Rp 325 Miliar Total

Kebagusan, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 325 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 1,3 Miliaran per bulan

Tanah di Jl. Kebagusan I, Bisa Dibgn Cluster , Apartemen Dan Mall

Kebagusan, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 23 September 2024 oleh Benny Ben

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

27369 m²



Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



JL. KEBAGUSAN I No.1, PASAR MINGGU, JAKARTA SELATAN Bisa Dibangun Cluster , Apartemen dan Mall Land size : ± 27.369 m2 Serifikat : Hak Guna Bangunan ( SHGB: 10 Sertifikat ) Planned Construction site : Site 1+2 = ± 19.016 m2 (Prediction) Ratios according to government regulation 1 2022 SUB ZONA R-1 LOW KDB VERTICAL HOUSING ZONE KDB (ratio between the ground floor area of the building to the total land area ) = 55 % KLB (ratio between the ground floor area of the building to the total land area ) = 7 KB (Building height) = 16 Floors KDH (ratio of greenery/park to the total land area) = 20 % KTB (ratio of total basement area to the total land area) = 60 % Type Building = Stand Alone Nature of the Environment = Less Dense Total Building Area (including basement) = ± 155.464 m2 - Gross office space area = ± 71.514 m2, - Parking floor area = ± 60.350 m2 - Basement area = ± 14.600 m2 Note: This estimation is only internal needs, and not binding on us Harga : Rp. 325 Milyar .

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