Apartement Kebagusan City Tipe Studio 2,5Juta Bulan Fully Furnisheded
Apartement Kebagusan City Tipe Studio 2,5Juta Bulan Fully FurnishededApartement Kebagusan City Tipe Studio 2,5Juta Bulan Fully FurnishededApartement Kebagusan City Tipe Studio 2,5Juta Bulan Fully Furnisheded

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Apartement Kebagusan City Tipe Studio 2,5Juta Bulan Fully Furnisheded

Rp 2,5 Juta per bulan

Kebagusan, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 2,5 Juta per bulan

Apartement Kebagusan City Tipe Studio 2,5Juta Bulan Fully Furnisheded

Kebagusan, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 28 Oktober 2024 oleh WiWiH Ray White

Informasi Properti


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Location: Baung Raya, Tanjung Barat, Kebagusan - Jakarta Selatan Tower/Floor/View: B/11-R/ pool Size: 27,9 m2 Bedroom: Studio Bathroom: 1 Condition: Bed Size 160x 200, Air Conditioner, Water Heater, Shower, Kitchen Set w/hoob-1 Burner and Sink, Refrigerator, water Dispenser, Dining Table, LCD TV 32″, Wardrope, Working Table and Vanity Table, Electrical Power 1300 W. Facility: Elevator w/ Acces Card, Swiming Pools, Jogging Track, Convenient Store, Cafe & Canteen, Pharmacy, Laundry, ATM, Security (24-hours), Taxi. Additional Info: Location near to all office in Jl. TB Simatupang, Tol JORR Simatupang Tanjung Barat, Train Station (15 Minutes Walk), Bus Way (10 Minutes by Taxi/Ojek)

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