For Sale Unfurnished 3 Bedroom Apartment 217 Sqm At Verde Two, Kuningan, South Jakarta Your Luxurious Haven Awaits
For Sale Unfurnished 3 Bedroom Apartment 217 Sqm At Verde Two, Kuningan, South Jakarta Your Luxurious Haven Awaits For Sale Unfurnished 3 Bedroom Apartment 217 Sqm At Verde Two, Kuningan, South Jakarta Your Luxurious Haven Awaits For Sale Unfurnished 3 Bedroom Apartment 217 Sqm At Verde Two, Kuningan, South Jakarta Your Luxurious Haven Awaits

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For Sale Unfurnished 3 Bedroom Apartment 217 Sqm At Verde Two, Kuningan, South Jakarta Your Luxurious Haven Awaits

Rp 11,4 Miliar

Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 11,4 Miliar

Cicilan : 48,3 Jutaan per bulan

For Sale Unfurnished 3 Bedroom Apartment 217 Sqm At Verde Two, Kuningan, South Jakarta Your Luxurious Haven Awaits

Verde Two

Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 18 Oktober 2024 oleh Rio Kurniawan

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

217 m²

Nomor Lantai

lantai 6



Kondisi Perabotan


Kamar Tidur Pembantu


Kamar Mandi Pembantu


Kondisi Properti


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



1. Condition: - Fully Furnished - Very Good Condition - Great for Investment 2. Facility: - Spacious main entrance resort’s stylized - Grand lobby - 3D movie theater room, - Private dining room - Function room - Business center - Fancy kitchen’s amenities - Barbecue area - Resort swimming pool - Kid’s pool - Children playground - RPM studio - Fitness center - Spa & sauna - Outdoor terrace - Jogging track - Free parking for residences and guests - 24-hour security & CCTV. - Resorts experience feelings 3. Additional Info: - Near Epicentrum Mall, Supermarket, School, Restaurants, Cafes, Pasar Festival. - Verde is located in the very heart of Central Jakarta Business District. - You can enjoy the convenience of living only minutes away from the CBD 5 star entertainment and work facilities - PETS friendly

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