Apartement Casa Grande Phase 2 3 BR Furnished Bagus
Apartement Casa Grande Phase 2 3 BR Furnished BagusApartement Casa Grande Phase 2 3 BR Furnished BagusApartement Casa Grande Phase 2 3 BR Furnished Bagus

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Apartement Casa Grande Phase 2 3 BR Furnished Bagus

Rp 23 Juta per bulan

Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 23 Juta per bulan

Apartement Casa Grande Phase 2 3 BR Furnished Bagus

Casa Grande Phase 2

Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 19 Desember 2024 oleh Zulkarnaen Buyung Hanzah

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

117 m²



Kondisi Perabotan


Kamar Tidur Pembantu


Kamar Mandi Pembantu


Kondisi Properti


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



CASA GRANDE RESIDENCE • PHASE II • Condition : Fully Furnished • Excellent facilities : • -5-star facilities • -Swimming pool (exercise pool, jacuzzi and childrens pool) • -Jogging track • -Children Playground • -Modern and complete fitness centre • -Carrefour supermarket • -Integrated with Mall Kota Kasablanka • -Waterpark • -Basement parking card • -24-hours concierge and security service • -Private access card and CCTV camera • Additional Info: • Casa Grande Residence is a premium and luxury apartment in Casablanca with an area of 12,9 hectares which is connected to Kota Kasablanka Mall. Kota Kasablanka itself is a superblock that contains facilities such as a food and entertainment center, and a luxury office building called Eighty 8 Office Tower. • Casa Grande Residence consists of 4 towers for the first phase, namely • Montana Tower, Montreal Tower, Mirage Tower and Avalon Tower. For the second phase there ar 3 towers, namely Angelo Tower, Bella Tower, and Chianti Tower which will be added in 2019.

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