Apartment Hamptons Park 2BR Golf View Furnished Terogong Pondok Indah
Apartment Hamptons Park 2BR Golf View Furnished Terogong Pondok IndahApartment Hamptons Park 2BR Golf View Furnished Terogong Pondok IndahApartment Hamptons Park 2BR Golf View Furnished Terogong Pondok Indah

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Apartment Hamptons Park 2BR Golf View Furnished Terogong Pondok Indah

Rp 11 Juta per bulan

Terogong, Jakarta Selatan

Rp 11 Juta per bulan

Apartment Hamptons Park 2BR Golf View Furnished Terogong Pondok Indah

Hamptons Park

Terogong, Jakarta Selatan

Diperbarui 05 Desember 2024 oleh Kei Eses

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

58 m²

Nomor Lantai

lantai 23



Kondisi Perabotan


Tahun Dibangun


Kondisi Properti


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Golf View from living room and Bedroom. Popular with expat communities. Hero supermarket is just across the street. Nice neighborhood with great amenities Next to Pondok Indah Golf course Walking distance to Jakarta International School (JIS) campus and Ichtus International school Hero Supermarket is located just across the main gate Le Crystal Hotel is located just across the main gate ATM, gas station, convenient stores, cafes/restaurants, coffe shop, including Starbucks, car wash, pharmacies, burgers joint are within walking distance Hamptons is located within the vicinity of prestigious Pondok Indah residential area Close to hospitals, including Pondok Indah Hospital Short drive to Pondok Indah Malls complex (PIM) and Cilandak Town Square mall (CITOS), fresh fruit market (Total Buah) Strategic location, easy access to Fatmawati, Kemang, new growing CBD area in TB Simatupang, such as South Quarter, Talavera Office Park, Nestle Tower, PHE Tower, dan PT Elnusa Tbk, High Scope primary and secondary school

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