Attention Renovators Outstanding Opportunity To Renovate With This Freehold Four Bedroom Villa On 8.85 Are With Ocean Views Saba Beach 2505 La
Attention Renovators Outstanding Opportunity To Renovate With This Freehold Four Bedroom Villa On 8.85 Are With Ocean Views Saba Beach 2505 LaAttention Renovators Outstanding Opportunity To Renovate With This Freehold Four Bedroom Villa On 8.85 Are With Ocean Views Saba Beach 2505 LaAttention Renovators Outstanding Opportunity To Renovate With This Freehold Four Bedroom Villa On 8.85 Are With Ocean Views Saba Beach 2505 La

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Attention Renovators Outstanding Opportunity To Renovate With This Freehold Four Bedroom Villa On 8.85 Are With Ocean Views Saba Beach 2505 La

Rp 6,5 Miliar

Gianyar, Gianyar

Rp 6,5 Miliar

Cicilan : 27,5 Jutaan per bulan

Attention Renovators Outstanding Opportunity To Renovate With This Freehold Four Bedroom Villa On 8.85 Are With Ocean Views Saba Beach 2505 La

Gianyar, Gianyar

Diperbarui 08 Agustus 2024 oleh KOMANG AYU AGUSTINI

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

885 m²

Luas Bangunan

264 m²





Jumlah Lantai



Unlock the potential of this freehold property within walking distance of the picturesque Saba Beach. Offering four spacious bedrooms with ocean views on the second floor, this villa, though currently in a rundown condition, boasts ample parking space and garden area. A slight redecoration can transform this property into a gem, and it comes with a very attractive offer. Nestled on a generous 885 sqm plot of land, the secure and tranquil neighborhood enhances the appeal of this villa. . A two-story freehold villa only approximately a 10-minute walk to Saba Beach, offering ample space and roomy interiors Experience awe-inspiring ocean views from the second floor of this villa . Although the property is currently in a rundown condition and will be sold as is, it presents an incredible deal you won’t want to miss . Despite needing cleaning, the generously-sized private pool remains in good condition and is completely leak-free

Lokasi Properti

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Terminal Gianyar

Terminal Sarbagita

Terminal Batubulan


Pasar Rakyat Gianyar

Pasar Umum Gianyar

Pasar Senggol Gianyar


Kampus Monarch Gianyar

Kampus Elizabeth Gianyar

SMAN 1 Gianyar

UNMAS Gianyar

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