Unique Villas Complex In The Center Of Ubud
Unique Villas Complex In The Center Of UbudUnique Villas Complex In The Center Of UbudUnique Villas Complex In The Center Of UbudUnique Villas Complex In The Center Of Ubud

Rp 2,9 Miliar per tahun

Ubud, Gianyar

Rp 2,9 Miliar per tahun

Unique Villas Complex In The Center Of Ubud

Ubud, Gianyar

Diperbarui 14 Agustus 2024 oleh cyril Mata

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

150 m²

Luas Bangunan

179 m²





Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



Leasehold 25 years This unique complex of villas is located in the heart of Ubud, in the most famous street at only 5 min walking distance to the monkey forest in quiet street. 4 Sanctuary villas inspired design « rumah adat toba » with 2 storey surrrounding the river is build on a plot of 1.5 are with building size of 179 sqm for the price of 195 000$ Each villa is planned within the traditional con- cept of “tri mandala” - the space is divided into 9 squares, each of them representing the movement of the soul from lower to higher realms, from mundane to spiritual. In the villas layout the most sacred space, which is the north- east square, is represented by the bathroom space - a place of reunion with nature.


Fasilitas Perumahan

Akses Parkir

Kolam Renang

Lokasi Properti

Hubungi Agen untuk mengetahui detail lokasi properti

Lokasi Terdekat


Ubud Art Market

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