Rp 450 Juta Total per tahun
Padangsambian Kelod, Denpasar
Padangsambian Kelod, Denpasar
Diperbarui 16 Februari 2025 oleh ARLINA (SOHE)
Informasi Properti
Luas Tanah
30 m²
Luas Bangunan
30 m²
Daya Listrik
3500 Watt
Kamar Mandi
Panjang Bangunan
0 m
Lebar Bangunan
0 m
Panjang Tanah
0 m
Lebar Tanah
0 m
Tipe Properti
Ruang Usaha
Tipe Iklan
ID Iklan
Condotel Disewa Denpasar \u2668 * Kami hadir kembali untuk memenuhi kebutuhan anda untuk memiliki hunian apartemen mewah di pusat kota Denpasar yaitu *COZY STAY APARTEMENT* Tersedia 60 unit dengan 3 pilihan type : \u25b6\ufe0f Type Studio (30 m2) \u25b6\ufe0f Type Onebedrooms (120m2 ) \u25b6\ufe0f Type Two Bed Room (120 m2) Kenapa anda harus memilih *COZY STAY Apartment* \u2753 \u2705 *Fasilitas Apartment lengkap* diantaranya : *Apartemen dengan sistem lift teknologi touch lesss *Lounge with ricefield view *Lobby & Reception *Pool *Gym *Meeting Rooms *CCTV *Wifi Internet *Security 24 hours *Housekeeping \ud83d\udcb0 Harga sangat terjangkau dengan sistem pembayaran yang sangat lunak \ud83d\udcb5Booking fee hanya 25 juta \ud83c\udfd8\ufe0fDengan cicilan hanya 6 jutaan anda sudah bisa memiliki hunian mewah berikut furniture \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c Dikelola oleh Operator yang sudah berpengalaman mengelola hotel berbintang, *COZY STAY Apartment* merupakan peluang bisnis yang terpercaya. **Status COZY STAY Apartment Leasehold dengan jangka waktu hingga 5 November 2040* * Sisa unit terbatas \ud83d\udd25 Ayooo buruuuaan... booking unit COZY STAY Apartment \u2668 * We are back to fulfill your needs to have a luxury apartment residence in the center of Denpasar, namely * COZY STAY APARTEMENT * Available 60 units with 3 type options: \u25b6\ufe0f Studio Type (30 m2) \u25b6\ufe0f Onebedrooms Type (120m2) \u25b6\ufe0f Two Bed Room Type (120 m2) Why should you choose * COZY STAY Apartment * \u2753 \u2705 *Complete Apartment Facilities* including: * Apartment with touch less technology lift system * Lounge with ricefield view * Lobby & Reception * Pool * Gym * Meeting Rooms * CCTV * Wifi Internet * Security 24 hours * Housekeeping \ud83d\udcb0 Very affordable prices with a very soft payment system \ud83d\udcb5 Booking fee only 25 million \ud83c\udfd8\ufe0fWith installments of only 6 million, you can have a luxurious residence including furniture \ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c\ud83d\udc4c Managed by an operator who is experienced in managing star hotels, *COZY STAY Apartment* is a trusted business opportunity. **COZY STAY Apartment Leasehold status with a term until November 5, 2040* * Limited units left \ud83d\udd25 Come on, hurry up... booking a COZY STAY Apartment unit
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