Hilltop magnificent, excellent 360 degrees view
Hilltop magnificent, excellent 360 degrees viewHilltop magnificent, excellent 360 degrees viewHilltop magnificent, excellent 360 degrees view

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Hilltop magnificent, excellent 360 degrees view

Rp 2,05 Miliar Total

Pangkungparuk, Buleleng

Rp 2,05 Miliar Total

Cicilan : 7,9 Jutaan per bulan

Hilltop magnificent, excellent 360 degrees view

Pangkungparuk, Buleleng

Diperbarui 03 September 2024 oleh Malina Dewi

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

9350 m²

Tipe Properti



Lainnya (PPJB,Girik,Adat,dll)

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Really makes you forget to blink with views of the sea and the hill on this one, the location of the land really makes a lot of people amazed at the beautiful view from this location, besides that the location of this land is very strategic for residential buildings, road access is 4 meters wide, electricity and water already available in this area. Many objects can be visited from here because of its location, one of which is Pemuteran village which only takes 25 minutes from the location to Pemuteran village, besides that it is also from a location very close to the hot spring, and also the temple in the village of Banjar. Contact me to visit.

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