For Rent New Modern Warehouse Complex Cibitung Bekasi, Jawa Barat By One Realtindo Property
For Rent New Modern Warehouse Complex Cibitung Bekasi, Jawa Barat By One Realtindo PropertyFor Rent New Modern Warehouse Complex Cibitung Bekasi, Jawa Barat By One Realtindo PropertyFor Rent New Modern Warehouse Complex Cibitung Bekasi, Jawa Barat By One Realtindo Property

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For Rent New Modern Warehouse Complex Cibitung Bekasi, Jawa Barat By One Realtindo Property

Rp 76 Ribu /m² per bulan

Cibitung, Bekasi

Rp 76 Ribu /m² per bulan

For Rent New Modern Warehouse Complex Cibitung Bekasi, Jawa Barat By One Realtindo Property


Cibitung, Bekasi

Diperbarui 02 Desember 2024 oleh Customer Service One Realtindo Property

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

99701 m²

Luas Bangunan

46413 m²

Tipe Properti



HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan

Kondisi Properti


Kondisi Perabotan


ID Iklan


Tipe Iklan



New Warehouse Modern Cibitung , Bekasi Jawa Barat Highway Access : • Cibitung Toll Gate ( Km 42 ) • Telaga Asih Toll Gate • Setu Utara Toll Gate • Grand Wisata Toll Gate Land Area : 99.701 m2 Building Area : 46.413 m2 Terdiri dari 2 bangunan : - Gudang A : 34.132 m2 - Gudang B : 12.231 m2 *Feature and Specifications* External Feature : • Over 100 parking space for container trucks. • Car and Motorcycle parking area. • 24 Hours CCTV monitoring, Security and Fire Command Center. • Covered Loading Dock • Dock Leaveler at Loading Docks • Back Up Power Generator • Optional Branding and Advertising Space Along the toll road. Building Feature* • High Quality FF35 / FL25 Flat Floor • Floor Loading Capacity : 4 Ton / m2 • Height Clearance : min 12 m •Green Light Lighting And Skylight •Fire Detection and Protection System (Springkle System, Hidrant and Fire Alarm). •Facilities : Canteen, Toilet, Praying Room, Drivers Area. Harga Rp.76.000 / Luas Bangunan / Bulan Exclude PPN


Fasilitas Rumah

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Lokasi Properti


Lokasi Terdekat


Stasiun Cibitung

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