Dijual Apartement Orange County Full Furnished BR Studio
Dijual Apartement Orange County Full Furnished BR StudioDijual Apartement Orange County Full Furnished BR StudioDijual Apartement Orange County Full Furnished BR Studio

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Dijual Apartement Orange County Full Furnished BR Studio

Rp 850 Juta

Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi

Rp 850 Juta

Cicilan : 3,6 Jutaan per bulan

Dijual Apartement Orange County Full Furnished BR Studio

Orange County Lippo Cikarang

Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi

Diperbarui 16 Januari 2025 oleh A & G

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

41 m²

Nomor Lantai

lantai 21



Kondisi Perabotan


Tahun Dibangun


Kondisi Properti


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



All facilities, amenities, and infrastructures in Orange County are meticulously planned with the highest standards. It is an awe-inspiring station for anyone who seeks for an exuberant, healthy, modern, urban lifestyle. The choice is yours to choose from. Located just five minutes from the three access toll roads which surrounded by international industrial area like EJIP, Hyundai, and Delta Silicon. 2 Exit Toll: km 34,7 Cibatu, km 39 Cikarang Pusat. Other facilities available include a 2,4 km Shopping Street & a world class cinema, Cinepolis. Furthermore, Orange County offers integrated access to the famous Lippo Mall Orange County, a place where you can find almost everything you need - from fashion to daily groceries, from local food to world-class cuisine, from wellness to the spa. Close to CBD Lippo Cikarang; Citywalk Food Center Lippo Cikarang, Siloam Hospital, Sahid Hotel, International School Pelita Harapan, Lippo Mall, water boom, golf driving range Commercial area on the ground floor: Alfamart

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Lippo Cikarang

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