Disewakan Apatment Orange County Glendale 1 Bedroom Furnished
Disewakan Apatment Orange County Glendale 1 Bedroom FurnishedDisewakan Apatment Orange County Glendale 1 Bedroom FurnishedDisewakan Apatment Orange County Glendale 1 Bedroom Furnished

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Disewakan Apatment Orange County Glendale 1 Bedroom Furnished

Rp 60 Juta per tahun

Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi

Rp 60 Juta per tahun

Disewakan Apatment Orange County Glendale 1 Bedroom Furnished

Apartment Orange County

Cikarang Selatan, Bekasi

Diperbarui 23 Desember 2024 oleh A & G

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

47 m²

Nomor Lantai

lantai 1



Kondisi Perabotan


Kondisi Properti


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Apartment Name: Orange County Location: Jl. Orange County Boulevard, Lippo, Cikarang Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17532 Tower / Floor / View: Glendale / High Floor / City View Size: 50 m2 Bedroom : 1 Bathroom: 1 Condition: Fully Furnished Facility: Security System: 24-hours with CCTV and Access Card 24-Hour Customer Service Water Sprinkler, Fire Alarm, Hydrant System for building protection Gym Swimming Pool Kids Pool Playground Jogging Track (Around the Lake) Commercial Area / Shops (Lippo Mall) Japanese Spa Japanese Garden Multipurpose Room Other facilities available include a 2,4 km Shopping Street and a world class cinema, Cinepolis. Furthermore, Orange County offers integrated access to the famous Lippo Mall Orange County, a place where you can find almost everything you need - from fashion to daily groceries, from local food to world-class cuisine, from wellness to the spa. Rental Price: Rp 60.000.000 / Year

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Lippo Cikarang

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