Rp 800 Juta
Sekupang, Batam
Cicilan : 3,3 Jutaan per bulan
Sekupang, Batam
Diperbarui 28 Agustus 2024 oleh ILHAM (JSAO)
Informasi Properti
Kamar Tidur
Kamar Mandi
Luas Bangunan
75 m²
Tipe Properti
HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan
ID Iklan
Rp 10,6 Juta
Tipe Iklan
Apartment Dijual Batam *OPUS BAY APARTMENT* The First Fully Integrated Township in Batam *Limited Stock 100% Full Furnish* *Apartment In Marina City Waterfront* \u25cf Developed by Tuan Sing Holdings Limited \u25cf Prestige Location Dikelilingi o/ Hotel, Sekolah, Waterfront Ferry Terminal, Kantor Pemerintahan \u25cf Kawasan Business yg hidup, Dikelilingi Harris Resort, Holliday Inn Resort, View Singapore \u25cf Akses langsung ke Ferry Terminal, 40 menit ke Singapura \u25cf The Most Complete Facilities Ever \u25cf Limited Stock Apartment only 500 units, Villa 101 \u25cf Rental Guarantee 7%/Tahun Selama 3 Tahun dengan jaminan sewa selama 10 Tahun \u25cf Club House seluas 5000m2 \u25cf Internasional Factory Outlet, bekerjasama dengan MAP Group (Mitra Adi Perkasa Group) *Tipe Unit Appartment Balmoral Tower* \u2b50Type Studio Luas Bangunan 37m² \u2b50Type 1 Bedroom Luas Bangunan 75m² \u2b50Type 2 Bedroom Luas Bangunan 112m² \ud83d\udcabCara Bayar unit Apartment: \u2705Hard Cash DP 20% + 5x \u2705Cash Installment Booking Fee + DP 20% + 24x Booking Fee + DP 20% + 36x Booking Fee + DP 20% + 36x + TOP 20% \ud83d\udcabCara Bayar unit Villas: \u2705Hard Cash DP 20% + 5x \u2705Cash Installment Booking Fee + DP 20% + 12x Booking Fee + DP 20% + 24x Booking Fee + DP 20% + 36x *Harga Start 800jt an* *_(setelah Diskon)_* *Sea View & Singapore View*
Pelabuhan Sekupang
Terminal Bus Trans Batam
Terminal Sekupang
Pelabuhan Marina
BTP Batam
SMAN 1 Batam
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