207 | One Residence Batam Apartement | 2 BR Furnished Spesial
207 | One Residence Batam Apartement | 2 BR Furnished Spesial207 | One Residence Batam Apartement | 2 BR Furnished Spesial207 | One Residence Batam Apartement | 2 BR Furnished Spesial

Lihat Semua

207 | One Residence Batam Apartement | 2 BR Furnished Spesial

Rp 16 Juta per bulan

Batam Centre, Batam

Rp 16 Juta per bulan

207 | One Residence Batam Apartement | 2 BR Furnished Spesial

One Residence Batam

Batam Centre, Batam

Diperbarui 06 Agustus 2024 oleh Hendra | SewaApartmentBatam.com

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Bangunan

46 m²



Kondisi Perabotan


Tahun Dibangun


Kondisi Properti


Tipe Properti


Tipe Iklan


ID Iklan



Tower single berada di tepat pusat pemerintahan, Batam Center. Dekat dengan ferry terminal dan mall RENTAL | MONTHLY 2BR | 45m² | Rp 9,000,000 - 10,000,000 | S$ 900-1000 2BR Corner (Bedroom)| 46m² | Rp 12,000,000 | S$ 1200 3BR | 70m² | 18jt | S$ 1,800 ALL-IN Package: 2BR | 45m² | 14jt | S$ 1400 2BR+Corner | 46m² | 16jt | S$ 1600 3BR | 70m² | 20jt | S$ 2000 LOFT | 80×2 m²| 22jt | S$ 2200 Detail: - Unit Full Furnish - Include; Maintenance + Sinking Fund - Exclude; Electrical + Water - Minimum rental 6 month - Deposit 1-month & refund in the end of contract. - All In 2 Bedroom 14jt/month 360.Virtual Tour: https://360.virtualtourbatam.com/one-residence-apartment-2-bedroom-01-batam/ Map: https://goo.gl/maps/QWRrr1HSjwhExNcRA Hendra | 0812-1213-6xxx SewaApartmentBatam.com ApartmentBatam.com

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