For sale rumah diCipaku indah full furnished siap huni
For sale rumah diCipaku indah full furnished siap huniFor sale rumah diCipaku indah full furnished siap huniFor sale rumah diCipaku indah full furnished siap huni

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For sale rumah diCipaku indah full furnished siap huni

Rp 17,5 Miliar

Cipaku, Bandung

Rp 17,5 Miliar

Cicilan : 74,1 Jutaan per bulan

For sale rumah diCipaku indah full furnished siap huni

Cipaku, Bandung

Diperbarui 16 Oktober 2024 oleh Ardi

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego
  • Cash Keras/KPR
  • One Gate System
  • Perumahan/Komplek

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

525 m²

Luas Bangunan

600 m²



Tipe Properti



SHM - Sertifikat Hak Milik

Daya Listrik

13900 Watt


*For Sale Luxurious House of Gallery at Cipaku Indah* _“Eclectic harmonious design which reveals the serenity and homey ambiance”_ Set in the prime area on the highland of Cipaku, this essential & spacious property blends in various elements and fabrics to reveal the serenity and homey ambiance. With the perfect room configuration, this 3 storeys home cottage is the perfect family home. LT 525m² LB 600m² Bangunan 3 lantai Lebar muka 15m KT 4+4 KM 3+1 Listrik 13,500watt Hadap timur Air artesis Taman depan & belakang Dapur bersih & dapur kotor Carport 4 mobil, garasi 1 mobil SHM *Fasilitas:* - Full furnished (termasuk elektronik seperti AC 5 unit, water heater) - Automatic gate & manual - CCTV 4 kamera - Walking closet - Office space at home - Mini theater - Service area - Gudang *Material:* teak wood, glass, Granite Tile ex.Niro, marmer black gold, high quality engineering door, Sanitary ex. Toto & ex. Germany Brilliant tamper glass, unique lamp Design with high material combine Classic n old style floor, berkesan minimalis elegan and Homey. *Harga 17,5M nego* Dzi


Fasilitas Perumahan

Akses Parkir

Keamanan 24 jam


One Gate System




Kitchen Set


Mesin Cuci

Pemanas Air

Lokasi Properti

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