Luxury 3 Bedroom Pool Villa  close to Seminyak Beach
Luxury 3 Bedroom Pool Villa  close to Seminyak BeachLuxury 3 Bedroom Pool Villa  close to Seminyak BeachLuxury 3 Bedroom Pool Villa  close to Seminyak Beach

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Luxury 3 Bedroom Pool Villa  close to Seminyak Beach

Rp 12,5 Miliar

Seminyak, Badung

Rp 12,5 Miliar

Cicilan : 53 Jutaan per bulan

Luxury 3 Bedroom Pool Villa close to Seminyak Beach

Seminyak, Badung

Diperbarui 17 Februari 2025 oleh Widyati Indaryana

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

615 m²

Luas Bangunan

378 m²






The 3 bedroom villa is located in a quiet street of bustling Seminyak. The restaurants, cafes, shopping and beaches that this popular village in south Bali has become well known for around the world, are only minutes away. The villa's contemporary design with landscaped garden pool area with soft sun lounge chairs This property gives the option of being either an open-air villa where you can enjoy tropical living, or you can close the wide folding glass doors, creating a seamless indoor/outdoor villa living experience where you can cool down with either fans or air conditioning. Each air-conditioned room has a private en-suite bathroom with double vanity units and large rain shower heads, completing the Bali tropical villa experience. . Property Details : Freehold Titled Land Size - 615 sqm Building Size - 378 sqm 3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms Dinning Room Family Room Kitchen Swimming Pool Water Source Electricity Price USD 895,000 Leasehold until 2054

Lokasi Properti

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Harga PropertiRp 13 Milyar
Uang Muka
Persentase uang muka 20% adalah jumlah minimum yang disarankan.
Rp 53.031.150 per bulan
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