A large complex of four villas with a total of 7 bedrooms in Nusa Dua,
A large complex of four villas with a total of 7 bedrooms in Nusa Dua,A large complex of four villas with a total of 7 bedrooms in Nusa Dua,A large complex of four villas with a total of 7 bedrooms in Nusa Dua,

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A large complex of four villas with a total of 7 bedrooms in Nusa Dua,

Rp 33 Miliar

Nusa Dua, Badung

Rp 33 Miliar

Cicilan : 139,8 Jutaan per bulan

A large complex of four villas with a total of 7 bedrooms in Nusa Dua,

Nusa Dua, Badung

Diperbarui 13 Desember 2024 oleh Widyati Indaryana

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

5500 m²

Luas Bangunan

1165 m²






This property consists of a large complex of four villas with a total of 7 bedrooms in Nusa Dua, on land measuring 5,500m2 (55 are). Two floors with an open air pavilion and a shared swimming pool, set in a beautiful garden. This beautiful and spacious villa complex is located in an exclusive area. The architecture combines traditional Balinese style into the modern design, giving you a feeling of peace and luxury and with gardens, pavilions, lotus ponds and terracotta decorations. Three villas surround the main building The main building is located in the center, and has a beautiful bedroom, a library with internet access, a living and dining area, a recreation room for watching TV and DVDs and a fully equipped modern kitchen. Above is a wooden balcony with 180 degree views of the surrounding countryside and sea; ideal for enjoying the sunset. Villa A, B, and C are similar in design with their own decorations. Each villa has a master bedroom with private bathroom, a second bedroom or can be used

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