3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Villa With GWK View,Ungasan Badung
3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Villa With GWK View,Ungasan Badung3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Villa With GWK View,Ungasan Badung3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Villa With GWK View,Ungasan Badung

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3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Villa With GWK View,Ungasan Badung

Rp 4,5 Miliar

Ungasan, Badung

Rp 4,5 Miliar

Cicilan : 19 Jutaan per bulan

3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Villa With GWK View,Ungasan Badung

Ungasan, Badung

Diperbarui 02 Februari 2025 oleh Deasy Havilah Property Sukses

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

175 m²

Luas Bangunan

228 m²





Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



2 3 Bedrooms Fully Furnished Villa With GWK View, Ungasan, Badung Located at villa environment, one gate system with GWK view. Just 10 minutes from Pandawa Beach . Land Size 175m2 . Building Size 228m2 . 2 Levels . 3 Bedrooms . 3 Bathrooms . Staffroom . Living Room . Kitchen & Dinning . Balcony With GWK View . Carport For 1 Car . Private Pool . Laundry Room . 3 AC & Water Heater . Electricity 5.500 Watt . PDAM . Community Pool Available . 8 Meters Paving Road Access . Security 24 hours IDR 4,5 Billion Negotiable FHT120/V170/D$/D2

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