Modern 1 Bedroom Apartment In Nelayan, Canggu
Modern 1 Bedroom Apartment In Nelayan, CangguModern 1 Bedroom Apartment In Nelayan, CangguModern 1 Bedroom Apartment In Nelayan, Canggu

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Modern 1 Bedroom Apartment In Nelayan, Canggu

Rp 2,26 Miliar

Canggu, Badung

Rp 2,26 Miliar

Cicilan : 9,5 Jutaan per bulan

Modern 1 Bedroom Apartment In Nelayan, Canggu

Canggu, Badung

Diperbarui 06 Januari 2025 oleh The Baliners Property

Informasi Properti


Kamar Tidur


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

1 m²

Luas Bangunan

50 m²




Hak Sewa

Daya Listrik


Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti



Discover a contemporary living experience in the vibrant neighborhood of Nelayan, Canggu, with this sleek 1-bedroom apartment. Boasting a well-designed 50 sqm built size, this residence offers a blend of comfort and style. Designed for convenience, the apartment features an enclosed kitchen and comes fully-furnished, allowing for easy customization to suit your taste. The bedroom is spacious and comfortable, while the bathroom provides a relaxing retreat after a long day. One of the highlights of this property is its shared pool, a perfect spot to unwind and enjoy the tropical surroundings. With parking available, you can easily explore the area or host guests with ease. Offering a LEASEHOLD ownership of 25 years, this apartment is a great investment opportunity in Canggu. Scheduled for completion in December 2024, this property promises a modern and comfortable living space in a desirable location. PRICE : USD 139.000 offered on a Leasehold basis until 01/09/2048


Fasilitas Perumahan

Kolam Renang

Lokasi Properti

Hubungi Agen untuk mengetahui detail lokasi properti

Lokasi Terdekat


Love Anchor Canggu

Pasar Desa Canggu

Pepito Supermarket

Sunday Market Canggu

Treasure Market Canggu


Bali Kiddy School

Bali Local Surf School

Canggu Community School

Pineapple Surf Canggu

SDN 1 Canggu

SDN 2 Canggu

SDN 3 Canggu

SMPN 4 Kuta Utara

Simulasi Cicilan KPR

Harga PropertiRp 2 Milyar
Uang Muka
Persentase uang muka 20% adalah jumlah minimum yang disarankan.
Rp 9.580.644 per bulan
Hasil perhitungan di atas merupakan estimasi dan dapat berbeda dengan perhitungan bank.
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