Freehold - Hotel in the Main Road of Kuta
Freehold - Hotel in the Main Road of KutaFreehold - Hotel in the Main Road of KutaFreehold - Hotel in the Main Road of Kuta

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Freehold - Hotel in the Main Road of Kuta

Rp 100 Miliar

Kuta, Badung

Rp 100 Miliar

Cicilan : 423,9 Jutaan per bulan

Freehold - Hotel in the Main Road of Kuta

Kuta, Badung

Diperbarui 12 November 2024 oleh Management Raywhite Canggu

Overview Properti

  • Bisa Nego

Informasi Properti


Luas Tanah

850 m²

Luas Bangunan

1506 m²




An exceptional property in an expansive location in Kuta. This commercial private hotel is definitely worth having a look at, with its modern design and full amenities, what makes this property unique amongst the other hotels in the Kuta area, is the combination of subdued comforts, serene spaces, and distinctive details, on the other side, the area around was also filled with many restaurants, bar, supermarket, etc. Freehold Land size 850 sqm Building size 1506 sqm Building year 2013 25 unit room Price: IDR For a viewing or further details please contact us

Lokasi Properti

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Lokasi Terdekat


Bandara Ngurah Rai

Terminal Kuta


Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Triatma Mulya

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