The Corner Office Space At The Most Strategic Area In Kerobokan
The Corner Office Space At The Most Strategic Area In KerobokanThe Corner Office Space At The Most Strategic Area In KerobokanThe Corner Office Space At The Most Strategic Area In Kerobokan

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The Corner Office Space At The Most Strategic Area In Kerobokan

Rp 100 Juta Total per tahun

Umalas, Badung

Ruang Usaha
Rp 100 Juta Total per tahun

The Corner Office Space At The Most Strategic Area In Kerobokan

The Corner Offices

Umalas, Badung

Diperbarui 11 September 2024 oleh Bali Land Office

Informasi Properti


Kamar Mandi


Luas Tanah

100 m²

Luas Bangunan

20 m²

Tipe Properti

Ruang Usaha


HS - Hak Sewa

Jumlah Lantai


Jumlah Lantai


Kondisi Properti


Kondisi Perabotan


ID Iklan


Tipe Iklan



T H E C O R N E R O F F I C E S OFFICE SPACE AT THE MOST STRATEGIC AREA IN KEROBOKAN Umalas is the most strategic area in Kerobokan. So if you want to start your business, Umalas is the right choice to have an office. You can choose some different types of office space, according to the room size and based on your business needs. By choosing one of our office spaces, you can have some advantages for your business, such as: All facilities included (internet, mailing address, etc) Saved up renting cost Prestigious business address for your company Adding more value to your business from the perspective of partners and clients Everyday receptionist Housekeeping service Note: Electricity is not included. CONTACT US FOR MORE DETAILS!


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