Gunung Putri
Rp 6,84 Miliar
Informasi Properti
Foot-plate foundation
Wall: Aerated lightweight concrete & red brick combined
Floor: Homogeneous tile 60x60
Bedroom floor: Stone plastic composite (SPC)
Bathroom floor: Homogenous tile & wall 60x60
Kitchen: Solid surface table with sink
Door: Engineering wood with alumunium frame
Windows/Sliding doors: Alumunium frame with 5mm glass
Balcony railings: Stainless steel with tempered glass
Roof: Concrete/metal roof with lightweight steel structure
Sanitary: Toto
Ceiling: Gypsum hollow frame
Water: PDAM with 1000L torrent
Paint: Dulux weatherproof & No-drop (exterior) & Mowilex (interior)
Fasilitas Proyek
Rp 3,45 Miliar - 6,84 Miliar
Harizma Homes Cimanggis
Harizma Homes
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