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Buying a Home in Indonesia: A Guide for Expatriates
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Terakhir diperbarui 12 Agustus 2024 · 4 min read · by Imam

WNA Beli Rumah di IndonesiaIndonesia has strict rules about property ownership, especially for foreigners. But don’t worry, it’s still possible to buy a home here. 

While you can’t own land outright, there are specific legal ways to own property in Indonesia.

Let’s break down how expatriates can buy property in this beautiful country.

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Syarat WNA Beli Rumah di Indonesia Memiliki KITASIndonesia’s laws governing foreign property ownership are complex. Key regulations include: 

  • Government Regulations (PP) 103/2015 on foreign home ownership in Indonesia; 
  • PP 18/2021 on Management Rights, Land Rights, flat units, and land registration; 
  • Ministerial Regulation (Permen) 18/2021.

These documents outline the procedures and types of property foreigners can own.

A crucial requirement is a valid Limited Stay Permit (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas or KITAS) for any foreigner wishing to buy property in Indonesia. This is clearly stated in Article 2, Paragraph 2 of PP 103/2015.

Eligible Property for Foreign Ownership

Peraturan Kepemilikan Properti untuk Orang AsingThere are specific rules about the type of property expatriates can own in Indonesia. 

For example, you can’t buy a property with a Certificate of Ownership title (Sertifikat Hak Milik or SHM). 

Only Indonesian citizens can hold this type of title as stated in Law (UU) No. 5 of 1960. So, what exactly can foreigners purchase? Let’s find out.

The specific rules for foreigners buying property in Indonesia are outlined in Article 185 of the Minister of Land and Spatial Planning Regulations/Head of the National Land Agency No. 18 of 2021.

Types of Property Expatriates Can Own

  • Houses:
    • Built on state-owned land with a usage right.
    • Built on land with ownership rights, but only if the land is held under a usage rights agreement with a deed from the Land Deed Making Officer (Pejabat Pembuat Akta Tanah or PPAT).
    • Built on land with management rights, based on a land use agreement with the Management Rights holder.
  • Apartments:
    • Built on state-owned land with usage or building use rights.
    • Built on land with management rights, with usage or building use rights.
    • Built on freehold land with usage or building use rights.

Additional Restrictions

Article 186 of the same regulation further specifies:

  • Houses:
    • Must be classified as a luxury house.
    • Limited to one property per person or family.
    • Maximum land area of 2,000 square meters.
  • Apartments:
    • Flats/apartments in the commercial category.

These regulations provide a clear framework for foreign property ownership in Indonesia.

Rules and Requirements for Foreign Homebuyers in Indonesia

Regulasi Kepemilikan Properti untuk WNABuying a home in Indonesia as a foreigner comes with specific rules and regulations. 

It’s essential to understand and follow these guidelines to ensure your property purchase is legally sound. Let’s explore some of the key requirements.

1. KITAS is a Must

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The first step to buying a home in Indonesia as a foreigner is having a valid Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas or KITAS (Limited Stay Permit). This is an absolute requirement for property ownership. 

Issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, a KITAS needs to be renewed every two years. Typically, you’ll need to be employed in Indonesia to obtain a KITAS. 

The KITAS requirement means that foreigners buying property are more likely to be looking for a place to live, rather than just an investment. This is in line with the existing regulations. 

2. Limited Ownership Period

Foreigners buying a home in Indonesia should be aware of the property’s ownership limitations. The right to use a property is capped at 80 years, provided you maintain a valid residence permit.

According to Article 6, paragraphs 1-3 of relevant regulations, this breakdown applies:

  • Initial ownership term: 30 years.
  • Possible extension: 20 years.
  • Subsequent renewal: Another 30 years.

3. Price Limits for Foreign Homebuyers

There are specific price limitations for foreigners purchasing homes in Indonesia. 

These guidelines are outlined in Ministerial Decree No. 1241/SK-HK/IX/2022, which covers the acquisition and pricing of residential properties for foreign nationals.

Landed House Price Limits

  • DKI Jakarta: 10 billion IDR
  • Banten: 5 billion IDR
  • West Java: 5 billion IDR
  • Central Java: 3 billion IDR
  • Yogyakarta Special Region: 5 billion IDR
  • East Java: 5 billion IDR
  • Bali: 5 billion IDR
  • West Nusa Tenggara: 3 billion IDR
  • North Sumatra: 3 billion IDR
  • East Kalimantan: 2 billion IDR
  • South Sulawesi: 2 billion IDR
  • Other regions or provinces: 1 billion IDR

Flat Price Limits

  • DKI Jakarta: 3 billion IDR
  • Banten: 2 billion IDR
  • West Java: 1 billion IDR
  • Yogyakarta Special Region: 1 billion IDR
  • East Java: 1.5 billion IDR
  • Bali: 2 billion IDR
  • West Nusa Tenggara: 1 billion IDR
  • North Sumatra: 1 billion IDR
  • East Kalimantan: 1 billion IDR
  • South Sulawesi: 1 billion IDR
  • Other regions or provinces: 750 million IDR

*Price limit policies can change.

That’s a wrap on the rules and regulations for foreign homebuyers in Indonesia.

If you have more questions about property ownership or need further clarification, feel free to join the discussion on Teras123.

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