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Office Space ADR Tower Pantai Indah Kapuk Posisi Di Boulevard PIK Ready Ukuran 947M2 (Half Floor)...
适合中资企业办公使用! 出售 | DIJUAL LIMITED UNIT * Gold Coast Office * Tower Liberty * 360° View * Luas 1.636...
适合中资企业办公使用! 出售 | DIJUAL LIMITED UNIT ADR Office Tower | ADR 写字楼 City View | 城景 LOKASI | 位置 • 1 Menit......
适合中资企业办公使用! 出售 | DIJUAL LIMITED UNIT Gold Coast Office Tower | 黄金海岸写字楼 Cityview | 城景 LOKASI | 位�......
Gedung komersil pik Jalan elang laut Lt.720 (20x36) Lb.5268m² 13 lantai 24km Hadap utara Hgb Ada...
Dijual Office The Suite Tower Bagus Pantai Indah Kapuk Luas 1.270 Semi furnished Bagus View city...
For Sale/Rent Office Space The Suites Tower,PIK Ukuran 200 m² Bare Harga jual 19 juta/m² nego Harga...
Dijual Cepat Office Space The Suites Tower PIK 1 Lantai luas 1.278 m2 (5 unit) Bisa beli per unit...
✨ PERHATIAN! Ruko Elang Laut PIK Dijual! ✨ Ruko Elang Laut - Pantai Indah Kapuk, Jakarta Utara Dapatkan...
Dijual Office Gold Coast Pantai Indah Kapuk Menara Eiffel Luas 154m2 Lantai Sedang View Bagus langsung...
*F O R S A L E ‼️* *`Gedung Office PIK1 :`* Luas Tanah : 480m Luas bangunan : +-1600m Lantai : 3.5...
*The Suites Tower (Conch Building)* Office Tower Space di PIK 1 lantai luas 1.278m2 ( 5 unit) Sertifikat...
*DIJUAL Office Space Gold Coast Office Tower Eiffel Pantai Indah Kapuk* SEA VIEW Lantai: 7E (OTA07/E)...
Dijual Office Gold Coast Pantai Indah Kapuk Tower Liberty Luas 798m2 Level Sedang Kondisi Kosong...
Dijual Office Gold Coast Pantai Indah Kapuk Tower Liberty Low Zone Luas 114m2 Kondisi Kosong (Bare)...
Dijual Office Gold Coast Pantai Indah Kapuk Menara Eiffel Luas 193m2 Badan Lantai Sedang View Sea...
Dijual Office Grisenda Pantai Indah Kapuk Ukuran 12x25 Luas Tanah 300m2 Luas Bangunan 950m2 3,5 Lantai...
DIJUAL Gold Coast Office PIK 1 LB 97 m² Low zone Semi furnish Tersewa s/d Maret 2025 Harga 4 M nego...
Gedung Perkantoran di Elang Laut,PIK Luas tanah 720 m² { 36x20 } Luas bangunan 5268 m² 12 lantai...
Dijual apartemen gold coast Tower liberty Luas 118m2 Cara bayar bisa kpr/ cicilan Visi 081294059581...
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