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Showing 1-13 of 13 properties
Rumah bagus pinggir jalan desa akses masuk mobil Halaman belakang cukup luas Ada kebun nya juga,...
Villa Rumah Peristirahatan Di Kp Pasanggrahan Purwakarta Luas tanah 428 m² Luas bangunan krg lbh...
Rumah cukup mewah halaman luas Lokasi strategis dekat sarana umum, seperti sekolah TK, SD, SMP, SMA...
Rumah nyaman dibawah harga pasar, tepat dipusat kota Purwakarta, sangat terawat dan lingkungan super...
Bissmillah Di jual rumah startegis Lt 153 m2 Lb 15 m2 / kurang lebih Bersertifikat Posisi Rumah Samping...
BISSMILLAH di jual rumah siap huni rumah sangat luas Lt 400 m2 legalitas Sppt SHM sudah terdaftar...
Rumah villa mewah siap pakai Ada kolam renang, udara sejuk Sekeliling dipagar beton Pinggir jalan...
Rumah Akses mobil pinggir jalan coran Rumah harus sedikit d renov, dapurnya belum di kramik dan di...
Rumah di perkampungan , 20 meteran dari masjid Rumah masih baru dibangun, belum pernah ditempati....
Bissmillah Di jual murah saja Rumah siap huni Lt 310 m2 Legalitas sppt/girik Halaman luas Lingungan...
Rumah halaman luas ada kebun produktif yg sudah siap panen seperti pohon durian , jeruk, jambu, pala,...
Jual rumah siap huni Lt 300 m2 bersertifikat lokasi desa . kertasari kec . bojong kab . purwakarta...
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Sell House Bojong Bali: 13 Options for Houses for Sale Near Your Location
Searching for a house in Bojong, Bali? Rumah123 offers a wide selection of properties to help you find your perfect home. Whether you're a first-time buyer or an experienced investor, we have options to fit your needs.
Choose from 13 listings of houses for sale in Bojong. Our platform makes it easy to find properties that match your criteria with competitive pricing. For example, you can find homes ranging from affordable options under IDR 300 million to luxurious properties over IDR 1 billion.
Find the best house for sale in Bojong that fits your budget and preferences. Use our filters to search by amenities, price, or location. You can choose to pay with a mortgage or cash. Mortgages can be a great option for spreading payments. Visit Rumah123 to explore listings and start your search. Whether you're buying for yourself or as an investment, we have many options to choose from.