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Showing 2841-2860 of 2.958 properties
Apartment Name: Roseville SOHO & Suite Location: Sunburst CBD Lot. 1.8 Jl. Kapten Soebianto Djojohadikusumo,BSD...
Disewa *Mayfield BSD* LT 8x20 (160) LB 150 KT 3+1 KM 3+1 Furnished AC 4 unit Kulkas Water heater...
Tipe 7x16 Luas Tanah 112m2 Luas Bangunan 92m2 Kamar Tidur 3 Kamar Mandi 2 Tersedia Ac Harga sewa...
Dijual atau Disewakan !! Rumah Mungil Siap Huni Dalam Cluster - Dekat Pasmod BSD Tangerang Selatan...
Apartment Disewa Tangerang APARTMENT MARIGOLD TANGERANG For rent, brand new, high end fully furnished,...
Spesifikasi:: Luas: 50.25 gross Net 43.11 1BR Tower 6 Lantai 5 Full Furnished...
Luas bangunan : 40,65 m2 type one bed room Full furnished : Ac, mesin cuci, kulkas, tv, kasur, kitchen...
Disewakan rumah di The Savia BSD. Sudah ada beberapa perabotan seperti Kasur 1, Sofa, Meja dan Kursi...
DISEWAKAN Cluster De Maja at De Park. Lokasi strategis dekat dengan: - QBig 4,9 km - The Breeze 5,2...
1 bedroom+ bedset 1 bathroom Water heater elektric Kitchen set Microwave Kompor tanam 2 tungku Gas...
Disewakan: BSD Sky House Apartment Samping Aeon mall BSD Tower Duxton 1 Lantai 30 3 bedroom 1 bathroom...
Disewakan per tahun sudah full furnished. Apartemen B Residence tipe studio. Unit bersih dan nyaman....
Apartment Disewa Tangerang Disewakan apartemen casa de Parco bsd Dengan type studio Full furnished...
guaranteed not to disappoint KT 2+1 KM 2+1 Most favorite tower Size 95m The view of the lake and...
Disewakan Cluster Lancewood, Navapark – BSD LT 9x20= 180 LB 240 KT 4+1 KM 4+1 selatan 200 jt/thn...
Disewakan Apartemen Sky House BSD Fasilitas lengkap yang diberikan Sky House BSD+ seperti : Fasilitas...
Disewakan rumah di cluster Eternity The ICON. BSD LT. 190M LB. 220M Furnished 4AC 3bed 3lemari Waterheater...
Dijamin Paling Laris 5 Menit Kampus Umn, Mall Sms, Karawaci Mtown 2 Br = 45 Juta/Tahun (46m) Lantai...
Disewakan Cluster Lancewood, Navapark – BSD LT 9x20= 180 LB 240 KT 4+1 KM 4+1 selatan 200 jt/thn...
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