Dijual Termurah Kavling Illustria The Eminent Bsd City Dekat Ice
Dijual Termurah Kavling Illustria The Eminent Bsd City Dekat IceDijual Termurah Kavling Illustria The Eminent Bsd City Dekat IceDijual Termurah Kavling Illustria The Eminent Bsd City Dekat Ice

13,6 Million /sqm IDR

BSD City, Tangerang

13,6 Million /sqm IDR

Installment : 11,9 Million per month

Dijual Termurah Kavling Illustria The Eminent Bsd City Dekat Ice

BSD City, Tangerang

Updated on 07 November 2024 by Herman NextGen

Property Information


Land Area

208 sqm

Land Length

0 m

Land Width

0 m



Property Type




Listing ID



Tipe 13x16m2 Luas Tanah 208m2 Hadap Selatan PPJB siap AJB Harga Jual 13,6 Juta/m2 Bsd Nava Park Lakewood Lancewood Lyndon Lakewood Marigold Laurel Layton De Park Maja Naara Brassia Frangipani Heliconia Cajuputi Jadeite Zora Kanade Kazumi Keia Kimora Kiyomi Foresta Allevare Foglio Primavera Ultimo Albera Giardina Aria Fresco Studento Naturale Collinare Greenwich Mayfield Sheffield Whitsand Caelus Luxmore Hylands Aether Imajihaus Whelford Eminent Ingenia Illustria Precia Prestigia Vivacia Regentown Mozia Amarine Avezza Aure Amata Zena Icon Cosmo Ritzone Simplicity Verdant Ville Verdant View Eternity Horizon Broadway Vanya Park Askara AskaraNue Azura Alesha Anartha Anila Assati Avani Nittaya Aleeka Ammarila Lavanya Chadna Anantha Deshna Divena Inika Tabebuya Impresahaus Inspirahuas Invensihaus Enchante Tresor Tanakayu Chava Jiva Svadhi Svani Svasti Eonna Aerra Hiera Welton Blizfield Enchante Ostara Myza Fleekhauz Vasya Adora Terravia Quantis Freja Delatinos Carribean LaVintage Mexicano Bahamas Centra Havana Br

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