Dijual Kavling Komersial di Boulevard Gading Serpong
Dijual Kavling Komersial di Boulevard Gading SerpongDijual Kavling Komersial di Boulevard Gading SerpongDijual Kavling Komersial di Boulevard Gading Serpong

31,2 Million /sqm IDR

Gading Serpong, Tangerang

31,2 Million /sqm IDR

Installment : 165,3 Million per month

Dijual Kavling Komersial di Boulevard Gading Serpong

Gading Serpong, Tangerang

Updated on 13 November 2024 by Imelda Imelda

Property Information


Land Area

1250 sqm

Property Type



Lainnya (PPJB,Girik,Adat,dll)

Listing ID





Dijual Kavling Komersial di Boulevard Gading Serpong •Jalan Boulevard Gading Serpong, Tangerang. •Lokasi super strategis dekat dengan: -Black Owl -Hotel JHL Solitaire, Hotel Episode dan Qubika -Hey Beach -Blue Stork -Gedung south 78 -Kampus UMN (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara) Luas Tanah 1.250m2 PPJB Cocok untuk dibangun Resto, Hotel, Office, Showroom dll LOKASI: - Hadap Boulevard seberang Pasadena Grand Residences HARGA: Rp 31,2jt/Meter Inc PPN Hubungi: Imelda 087885361xxx

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