1,3 Billion IDR
Pinang, Tangerang
Installment : 5,5 Million per month
Pinang, Tangerang
Updated on 24 October 2024 by Hermawatty
Property Information
Land Area
90 sqm
Building Area
70 sqm
HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan
1300 Watt
Lt 90 (6×15) Lb 70 3 kmr tidur 2 kmr mandi Lstrk 1300 Surat HGB Bangunan thn 2000 Buana gardenia Pinang Lokasi strategis Dekat rest area kunciran Dekat kunciran Dekat alam sutera Dekat graya raya Dekat ciledug Dekat RS mulya Dekat pasar bengkok Harga 1.3 M nego tipis Hub waty 081381626xxx 087864181xxx Agentus pro https://wattyproperty.com/
BINUS Alam Sutera
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