5 Billion Total IDR
Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya
Installment : 21,1 Million per month
Dukuh Kupang, Surabaya
Updated on 12 August 2024 by Indolion Property
Property Information
Land Area
360 sqm
Property Type
Lainnya (PPJB,Girik,Adat,dll)
Listing ID
Tanah area komersial di area dekat Mayjen Sungkono, Surabaya (Pernah mau disewa minimarket 15 Tahun) Luas Tanah 18x20m (2 kavling) Surat Ijo Hadap Utara 1300Watt + 2200Watt PDAM 5M nego For Sale land in commercial area in the area near Mayjen Sungkono, Surabaya City (it was wanted to be rented by a minimarket for 15 years) Land area 18x20sqm (2 plots) Lease Rights from the Government of Surabaya North Facing Electricity 1300 Watts + 2200 Watts Taps Water IDR 5 Billions negotiable -bb-
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