TANAH KAVLING BUKIT DARMO GOLF PENINSULA GOLF VIEW dekat tol, clubhouse, mall, pusat bisnis dan komersial
TANAH KAVLING BUKIT DARMO GOLF PENINSULA GOLF VIEW dekat tol, clubhouse, mall, pusat bisnis dan komersialTANAH KAVLING BUKIT DARMO GOLF PENINSULA GOLF VIEW dekat tol, clubhouse, mall, pusat bisnis dan komersial

76,1 Billion Total IDR

Graha, Surabaya

76,1 Billion Total IDR

Installment : 322,6 Million per month

TANAH KAVLING BUKIT DARMO GOLF PENINSULA GOLF VIEW dekat tol, clubhouse, mall, pusat bisnis dan komersial

Graha, Surabaya

Updated on 14 August 2024 by YUSUF (YFO) Irwantono

Property Information


Land Area

1522 sqm

Property Type



HGB - Hak Guna Bangunan

Listing ID





Tanah Dijual Surabaya DIJUAL TANAH KAVLING BUKIT DARMO GOLF PENINSULA GOLF VIEW dekat tol, clubhouse, mall, pusat bisnis dan komersial Bukit Darmo Golf Peninsula LT 1522 m2 (25x60) Hadap Utara (Golf View Selatan) PPJB split Rp 50jt/m (nego)

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